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Future technology based business ideas

With ever-increasing traffic and cars, many people feel the need to park their vehicles in a safer location. In the coming years, we will want an application to manage the rising demand for automobile parking, as well as two-wheelers. For this, an application with well-integrated technology that interacts in real time with the slots vacancies in parking places is required, with demand and supply fluctuating according to the order placed.

The vendor must register in their application a person who has free places suitable for vehicle parking; it is preferable if the vacancy is located near shopping malls, offices, stadiums, museums, library centres, restaurants, banquet halls, and other similar establishments. Every access and exit, including payments, may be managed using the application. Workflow will be improved by managing orders through a centralised application.

To get into the nitty gritty of process, consider this scenario: a consumer placed an order for 2 hours in an application. The application will return the best match with a parking slot and address for the consumer to reserve. Customers can reserve a suitable parking place for two hours at their leisure. He or she can have option to make payments prepaid or after availing the services, just like how cab booking services or application works.

With the rise in urbanisation and population, a firm may decide to develop a user-friendly application with the best features and build a brand for safety assurance, which will undoubtedly succeed in the coming years. We've seen folks park their cars near train stations or bus stops, then walk to their offices. Citizens' lives will be made easier by an application.
