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How to prepare for a first date

I know that many of us become giddy with anticipation when we have our first date with someone we've dreamed of for a long time and it finally happens. It's like an entire itenary that you started arranging, and you're eagerly awaiting the day you planned to meet up. So many thoughts cross your mind: what to dress, what to give as a gift, where to meet; here is the experience I'm giving so that you may make the best decision possible.

It's important to retain your cool while meeting for the first time. The first meet is always tied in a loose knot; one slight blunder and everything is tossed. I recommend that you keep the first meeting as basic as possible. Pretend you haven't put in as much effort as you have so that he or she doesn't take it negatively. Give the impression that the initial meeting is meticulously planned rather than solely arranged.

If you have a full day planned with breakfast, lunch, and evening snacks, it is suggested that you begin the day by visiting a holy place, meeting children at NGO's, or visiting a place with historical significance in terms of love and affection. If you're visiting a holy site, don't forget to learn about the ceremonies & rituals, and if you're meeting children, try to come up with interesting gifts. If you're visiting a historic site, don't forget to learn about the history; you should be blunt in your knowledge of the facts, and you should sound nice. By this point, you should have a good idea of what he or she enjoys, so adjust your pitch accordingly. People will misinterpret things if you try to be too sophisticated. Try to be honest and straightforward. Always grin and respond to questions. 

Give him or her a choice of where they can have lunch, a spot that is quiet and not too crowded, a place that is great for a couple to relax and decide their fate. I hope this is simple to locate. Once you've arrived, it's best not to eat anything that isn't vegetarian. You must have learned about his or her food preferences over time through regular interaction. 

It's a good idea to start with a starter, such as Chinese, Thai, or Mexican, if that's what he or she prefers, and then repeat the same idea for the main course. Now, let's play the emotion quotient game. My mother loves Vanilla Crushed with Nuts Ice Cream, so why can't we have some? It has been demonstrated that he or she will respect your eagerness to cherish your family.

You must be soft spoken from the time you tour the holy places until you sit at the lunch table. Whatever conversation you have, your mind should act like a hard drive with RAM, and you should recall bits and parts of it. When he or she talks about their family, members' names, what they're doing, and what they like, attempt to incorporate these RAM into the conversation, such as your Aunty owning a designer boutique and my sister studying designer course. This strengthens the knot.

Never give the gift at the start of the meeting; instead, give it when both of you are about to leave. It's important to give gifts that value love and affection, such as something you produced yourself, something you've had for a while, and you tell the narrative of how you made it; it's proven that the gift will be greatly appreciated and will bridge the love gap between the two.This present is really valuable, as is the story behind it, which you created with your exquisite hand. 

Keep an eye on him or her until he or she reaches the gate, and this encounter will turn into one of the best dates of your life. Be dependable, straightforward, and truthful. God will gift you with angels if you respect women.
