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Dining etiquette rules all time required

Table etiquette are vital in both business and social settings, so knowing the basics is a smart idea. There may be some minor differences depending on your geography and what is considered appropriate in your area. So, if you're attending a dinner party, pay attention to the host or hostess and accept their hints.

The following are the most important things to remember when attending a dinner party.

  • Some dinner parties are more formal, with place cards indicating where the host or hostess want guests to sit. If not, inquire as to whether there are any seating preferences. Before you do anything, wait till the host has taken a seat.
  • You should remove your napkin from the table or plate and set it on your lap after the host unfolds his or hers. If you're dining out, your napkin should be placed in your lap as soon as you sit down.
  • Set your phone on quiet or vibrate and keep it off the table. Wait until you've finished your dinner and are no longer at the table to check your phone or text messages.
  • Correctly hold utensils. Don't stab your meal or use your fork or spoon like a shovel.
  • Clean up before coming to the table. At the table, don't groom yourself or pay attention to your cleanliness.
  • Chew with your mouth shut, and instead of opening your mouth to talk when your mouth is full of food, swallow it first and then speak up.
  • Pace yourself with your dining companions. Only one piece of food should be cut at a time.
  • Avoid slouching and eating with your elbows on the table.
  • Slowly eat and pace yourself so that you finish about the same time as the host or hostess.
  • Until you've finished eating, keep your napkin in your lap. Place the napkin on either side of your plate if you need to get up during the meal and plan to return. After you've finished, place your napkin to the left of your dish on the table.
Thank the host or hostess for the delicious meal and add another brief, nice statement to demonstrate your appreciation. Your note may be brief, but must be sincere and natural.
